A Prayer for the Nation of the United States of America
And For the Saints of the Living and Triune God of Our Fathers
June 26, Year of Our Lord 2015
Forgive me oh Lord,
Oh Holy and Merciful Father,
For I above all men am a guilty sinner against You, A Holy and Just God.
It is only by Your Grace,
It is Only by Your Love,
Shown me through my Lord Jesus Christ
Your beloved Son.
Who was accused, suffered, and died the most miserable death man yet devised;
A sinless Man,
Your sinless Man who Defeated Death
And sits even now at Your right Mighty Hand.
I was dark in my heart and in rebellion against You,
My work as filthy rags before You.
I lived in lawlessness, an island unto myself,
Calling evil good, and Good evil.
But Praise You, Almighty Father,
He shed His blood for me!
I was the Prodigal, the wandering sheep,
You searched me out, called me to You,
And welcomed me back with open Everlasting Arms.
How Sweet is Your Love in This,
Abba, Father.
My Prayer to You today, O Holy One,
Is to use me as Your witness, saved sinner that I be,
To shine Your Light to all men,
To run and not be weary
Toward the Cross and my Savior.
Strengthen Your saints Through the Work of Your Holy Spirit, Oh Lord,
Through prayer and supplication before You,
Through Jesus the Son, as our Only Advocate and Friend.
Shield us from the evil power of this world, whom You have sorely defeated,
Through the discipline and study of Thy Word
And through the communion with Your Body, the Church.
Restore in me Oh Lord
A newness of heart that shows Your Love before all men.
To tell of Your infinite Mercy and Grace
Revealed in the sacrifice of Your Only Beloved Son,
That whomsoever would believe in Him
Shall be granted by You: Everlasting Life!
I bring before You now the desire of my heart – please give me Your words.
Have mercy on Your people, Lord,
Bind and Seal us in Your righteous Hand.
Let us speak and live daily, boldly to Your Glory.
Loving all Your children,
Forgiving even our enemies,
Praying for them fervently,
Praying for them fervently,
With all sincereness, for their spiritual well-being.
Loving them as You so loved us,
Use us Your humble servants to light the path to Your Son,
To be the salt with great flavor and distinction.
To show mercy and kindness
To All men.
Grant us Your Wisdom
On where You require us to draw a line in the sand of this life,
Humbling ourselves
Before You and all men.
Make us like Christ:
Firm in conviction
Loving so deeply for the souls of Your people,
Calling out for repentance of sin like Your prophets of old,
while living as You taught us to live.
while living as You taught us to live.
Teach me to teach the Truth, as revealed in the Son, from the highest hills.
Convict our hearts when we fail You, Dear Father.
You are Truth.
You are Life and You alone,
Through Christ alone,
By Grace alone,
Through Christ alone,
By Grace alone,
Through faith alone,
By Your Word alone.
Turn our nation back to You Oh God of our Fathers,
That we may rejoice in Your Truth until Your Son comes in Glory.
I pray these things in the name of Jesus Christ my Lord and Savior, Your Son.